Σάββατο 11 Ιουνίου 2016

Yaesu FT-817 touch screen display

*** This is a work in progress !
If you are interested in this project, then please like my page at Facebook and you will be notified about the status.

Here is my latest project for my FT-817. I know that many hams use this little and good radio for base station. I think that the screen is very small and provides very little information about the radio settings. I also found that sometimes is difficult to navigate through the radio menu and change some basic settings.
For a very basic demostration please watch the video :

And another video below showing direct frequency entry :

So I came with the above idea... At first I designed a project with a 4x4 matrix keyboard along with a 2x16 display. But after I found that I can use a much better display, large and color, with a touch function, I quit my first design and I changed my code to support this newer design.

More information will follow. Currently I'm working on the first version of my software, for both the display and the PIC microcontroller. So as you can imagine, the 2 basic components are : the Nextion HMI 3.2 inch touch screen and from the famous PIC family, the 18F46K22 mcu, which I use in many of my projects and I have a large stock.

This page will be updated with a schematic, documentation and a pcb artwork, when I finalize the design. I haven't decided yet about the source code of the project. I'm always open to suggestions about further development or features that you may want. Please don't comment at this page, instead use my Facebook page, where you will find the latest project info.

73, Fanis